If you are here to compare our memberships for this website, you are on the correct page.
What's different with this website is that we only have one membership, that's right, only one. Unlike some other websites were they give only a basic listing for free and then want money to get the enhance features, we provide everything in our membership.
As we add new features for the listings our price will stay the same, free.
With this website you will find local laundromat business listings, phone numbers, addresses, maps, driving directions and more.
You may be wondering how we cover our costs? Well, we get some of our costs covered by advertising revenue on the website. We have done this for other business and with this business model of providing information on the web free and covering the cost by advertising, we have found success for the business listed and covered our costs.
So what does your listing include:
We do not list email address(s) as we have found this is abused by spammers, we do provide a link to your website where you can provide this information as required.
If there's a feature we are not providing, please let us know, and we will look into providing the feature.
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Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, LaundromatLocations.info or its management shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.
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rights reserved.
Content cannot be copied or redistributed without specific permission.
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